Jiana Energy carries out the theme party day activity of "adhering to the original aspiration, fulfilling the mission, and feeling the gratitude of the party"

Time:2022-07-12Author: Jana Energy

On July 9, the party branch of Guangdong Jiana Energy Technology Co., Ltd. organized party members and cadres to carry out the party day activity themed "Keeping the original intention, undertaking the mission and feeling the party's gratitude" in Lianzhang Village, Lianjiangkou Town, Yingde City.


1、 Remember the instructions, be grateful and strive forward

Remember the instructions, be grateful and strive forward.


     2、 Never forget your original intention and seek happiness for the people


3、 Give full play to the exemplary role of party members

The train runs fast, relying entirely on its front end. We need to strengthen the construction of grassroots Party organizations, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, comprehensively standardize and strengthen Party building work, closely connect with the masses, and assist in poverty alleviation.


4、 Fulfill the Party Member's Mission with Practical Actions

Adhere to the original aspiration, fulfill the mission, and feel the gratitude of the party. Through this visit and learning, all members of Jiana Energy feel deeply warm, encouraged, and benefited greatly.