Jiana Energy celebrates the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carries out a series of party building themed activities

Time:2020-07-02Author: Jana Energy


Carry out the "Two New" organization party organization to visit the Xinyi Village Elderly Home in Qiaotou Town for poverty alleviation and condolences

In the morning of June 30, 2020, led by the Party Committee of Tsinghua Garden Enterprise Service Association and Qiaotou Town Government, the party branches under the Party Committee of Tsinghua Garden Enterprise Service Association were organized to carry out this activity. As a member of the "Two New" organization, the Jiana Party Branch, under the leadership of Deputy Secretary Zhou Xinwen and Xiao Zhanzhi, jointly went to the Xingfu Elderly Home in Xinyi Village, Qiaotou Town to carry out poverty alleviation and condolence activities.

During the activity, the two deputy secretaries had a close talk with the elderly to understand their living conditions, and sent Household goods and consolation money to the elderly. The elderly people's faces were filled with smiles, expressing their gratitude to the Communist Party, the government, and Jiana Company for their care.

Respecting the elderly means respecting oneself, treating the elderly today well is treating themselves well tomorrow. The small actions made the elderly deeply feel the love and care of the party and government for them.

This event promotes the traditional virtues of respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation, understands the thoughts, thoughts, and needs of elderly people in nursing homes, allows them to share a quality of life, and promotes the in-depth development of party member volunteer activities. The figure of party member volunteers in the courtyard has formed a beautiful scenery, which has been praised by the elderly.


Symposium on Celebrating the 99th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and Joining Party Branch Members

In the afternoon of July 1, 2020, the party branch of Jiana Company held a symposium to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC in the activity room of the party branch of Jiana Company. The meeting revolved around celebrating the party's birthday, telling battle stories, and realizing the original mission for discussion and exchange, and combined with the company's recent production situation, promoting the work deployment of the company's party branch. All party members of Jiana Factory attended the symposium. The meeting was presided over by Party branch secretary Zhang Chen.